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Teaching Scripture To Kids

The scripture that your children learn can help them feel loved, safe and accepted.

The scripture that your children learn can help them feel loved, safe and accepted. Teaching them to memorize Bible verses provides a rewarding experience for you as well as emotional strength for them. Devoting a few minutes every day to sharing your faith with them brings them closer to the Lord, creating a bond that lasts a lifetime. Children learn by doing, and you can help by making it fun. Finding a Successful Approach Choosing a short verse for them to memorize helps them succeed. Take the first step by reading a verse aloud to them, using hand motions for emphasis. For example, to introduce “You are the light of the world” from Matthew 5:14, try pointing first to them and then to a lamp. Point to a globe if you have one, or you may illustrate the concept of the world by making a sweeping movement with your arms. Engage your children in the memorization process by repeating the verse with them several times, encouraging them to use their hands to make motions. End each session by letting them recite the verse alone. Starting the next session with a recitation of the memorized verse keeps the words fresh in their minds. After they recite scripture as the first activity each day, you can give them a new verse to learn. Enjoying the Teaching Experience Seeing your children learn something new gives you pride and a feeling of accomplishment when they learn memory verses. By arming them with the Word of God, you follow Paul’s advice in Timothy 4:10-11: “For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe. These things command and teach.” Memorization requires practice, and you can help your children increase their ability to learn through memory verses. As they progress through their school years, they may have opportunities to memorize poems or plays that let them give expression to creative abilities. With the foundation that you provide by encouraging your children to memorize scripture, they can gradually learn to read the Biblical text. Providing Guidance through Bible Verses The need for acceptance drives all ages, and many Bible verses provide it. When you see that your children seem unsure and hesitant, you can take that as a clue to teach them “I am a child of God” from John 1:12. The same assurance of certainty appears in Matthew 28:20 with the comforting expression, “I am with you always.” You may occasionally observe situations that show children behaving in a manner that harms others with words or deeds. Luke 6:31 provides guidance with advice to “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Follow up with a similar concept from Ephesians: “Be kind to one another.” When your children seem fearful, you can reassure them with Psalm 56:3: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in You.”

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