New Beginnings
Obviously, the title of this post is New Beginnings. Sounds great, if I can say so myself! It screams of starting something over.
There's something so refreshing about starting over. Whether it's a job or business or marriage or other relationship. Note: I'm not necessarily talking about a 'new' job, business, marriage, etc. Although, something new of any or all of these examples can represent a new beginning. No. I am focusing on a fresh start with what you have currently.
Believe it or not, the experience can be as invigorating and exciting as something new.
So, yes, a new beginning can be a great thing! But let's look at the reasons why you may even be facing a new beginning.
First, you may have goofed up. Yep, it's true. We all make mistakes. We fail at something we thought was a shoe-in. Then we're faced with failure.
Second, another person failed you. This happens as well. If you've found yourself in a situation where someone you trusted and loved has somehow injured you emotionally, physically or some other way, remember to forgive them. You definitely cannot afford to carry any unforgiveness into your new start. It's a new season, so let go of resentment and ask God to heal your heart.
Now, on to some steps to take when your new beginning arrives:
Learn from your mistakes! We've all probably heard the old saying, "When you fall off the horse, get back on it." And while that may be good advice (eventually), it is perhaps better to add the sage caveat, "...after you've assessed why you fell off the horse." So often, folks with the best intentions continue to make the same mistakes over and over simply because they never took the time to assess why they were making the same mistakes. This assessment after a failure will go a long way to at least minimizing the risk of not repeating your mistake.
Surround yourself with mentors and confidants who have successfully completed what you're trying to do. Remember, experience is sometimes the best teacher, as long it's someone else's experience! Having the 20-20 hindsight of someone who has been where you want to go can be invaluable. So, seek out and build a relationship with great mentors.
Stay humble! Remember the 6th verse in the book of James, chapter 4, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Staying humble will better position you to remember the mistakes of your past. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who fail at this and have a rerun of the same episodes over and over.
Continue to thank the Lord. God loves to bless His children and He especially loves it when we remember what He's done for us and thank Him for it. Give thanks!
Keep these things in mind and celebrate your next new beginning!