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The Juggling Act

It seems now more than ever, this is a time when quarantined, at home parents are finding the need to quickly acclimate to the need to multi-task like they perhaps have not done in many years. Put another way, they must master the art of the juggling act.

The juggling act, as I am calling it, is when a parent, or parents, manage the multiple responsibilities of raising children, working a job or business, maintaining an apartment or home, paying bills, maintaining and building your relationship with your spouse, feeding, clothing and nurturing everyone, all while everyone is cooped up in the home during this quarantine. This whole coronavirus outbreak forced everyone to scramble!

Now, either by self-quarantine or due to a mandatory business closure, you're forced to deal with trying to make ends meet with your children out of pre-school and you possibly trying to work from home. That's if you're even able to work. Many folks are simply not making any money right now because of the temporary social distancing we're all required to keep.

Truly, this is a time when a lot of folks are simply overwhelmed. The already heavy pressure of everything mentioned above is exacerbated by the additional pressures of limited finances and the constant close contact with your family, locked away in isolation due to this virus. All of this can easily cause people to boil over.

So, how do you cope?

As we say all the time, there's a reason our name is Lighthouse Christian School. We are unashamedly christian and teach our students to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings while we educate them in academics. Because of this, we understand that being christian is not simply a label. Being christian is a lifestyle and requires each of us who follow Jesus to try and bear the fruit of His Spirit.

Right now is the perfect time to really bear the fruit of the Spirit! The apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians tells us what this fruit is. He wrote, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

But how do you get them? Easy! Just ask.

Specifically, once you have received God's gift of salvation, ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. The fruit is part of the package. And when you start feeling the temptation to snap at your child or spouse of anyone else, stop and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you again!

We're all human and that's how God created us. Things happen and there are times when our patience runs thin. Those times are when God is wanting us to press into Him and His Spirit.

Start today!

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