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On your mark; Get set....GO!

The chances are pretty good that all of us at one time or another have either watched or heard that famous "preamble" to every running race, "On your mark; Get set; GO!" Like me, maybe as a kid you would race your siblings or friends as someone else sung out those commands. It's a great memory for me, whether I ended up winning the race or not. It was typically always a fun time.

In a real sense, if you live in the State of Florida, we're about to get these same kind of commands as we prepare to open up things after having spent the last several weeks quarantining away due to the coronavirus pandemic. The quickly approaching post-pandemic era is about to begin for us.

So what will the Post-Pandemic Era look like?

For Lighthouse Christian School, we'll be busy as usual, albeit in a different way since our online, distance-learning will continue throughout the end of the school year. We're also making plans for our annual Senior Breakfast, Night of Elegance and Graduation ceremony. Of course, as quickly as we are able, we'll get these scheduled and announce it right here on the website and on social media. Stay tuned.

Looking at life in general in the post-pandemic era, there will definitely be a new normal. For one, we'll probably be a much more sanitized world. (I'm sure we all hope we don't have to wear masks and gloves for the rest of our lives!) Regularly washing our hands and using hand sanitizer are things we should have been doing all along anyway. We may also continue social distancing ourselves from each other. Although I believe that may be short-lived.

But how do we prepare ourselves for this new era? Well, let's quickly break it down.

On your mark - PREPARATION

So whether it's school or work, we've got to be prepared in order to get a good start on things. After all, with the nation's unemployment rate now hovering at over 16%, we've got to get folks back to work. Some say many businesses may not even be able to reopen because of the loss of revenues during this work-stop. Hopefully, either your business or the company you work for will bounce back quickly. Nonetheless, it will benefit you to get ready now so you're ready when the whistle blows.

Maybe begin waking up earlier than you have the past few weeks. Check out some video tutorials on how you can improve what you do at work. There are plenty of experts online who have published their how-tos that can probably help you out.

Get set - Pray and Envision your first day back

As Christians, prayer should occupy a large portion of our lives. Begin praying and asking the Lord how you can improve and be prepared. Also don't be shy about asking God to give you fresh vision for what you do. He's looking for people to step up and occupy the positions of leadership. Why not you?

Go! - Move forward

You've already prepared and got set. Now is the time to get moving! Don't ever let anyone be able to call you lazy. Your preparation will pay off big time as you simply do what you've trained and prepared for. Moving ahead is the direction all of us need to keep in focus.

Now, let's get going!

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