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Stick to Your Guns

Alright, first of all, I realize that title may be a bit politically incorrect. With the gun debate going on in our country over the past several years, this would not win over too many gun control advocates. But, hey, the name of our school is Lighthouse Christian. So being politically incorrect is nothing new to us.

That said, the title is neither a call to bear arms nor to never put them down when confronted by the government. No. The point of this post is to encourage you to be a person of convictions. The New Testament book of Matthew wrote something that might be applied, saying, let your yes be yes and your no, no.

Essentially, stick to your guns means that you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong. Or another meaning is, even when it may seem you are facing bigger struggles than you think you can handle, dig in and keep going.

Be sure

Often times, doubts about what you are doing can creep in. Suddenly, you take on the belief that you've made a mistake and decide to throw in the towel.

Those are the times when you've got to think back at the beginning, before you made your quality decision to start, and remember all the evaluation and formulation you did in order to make your decision. Just be sure!


Before Lighthouse Christian School was Lighthouse Christian School, we prayed. Prayer is the foundation upon which all your decisions should be made. There is an old gospel song entitled, Prayer is the Key to Heaven, But Faith Unlocks the Door. As followers of Jesus, we each have been given the opportunity and privilege to commune with and talk to God, the creator of the universe. The way we do that is through prayer. Starting something without first praying is like heading off on a trip but not really knowing where you're going.


Godly and righteous counsel can never be underestimated. Each of us need it before, during, and after every project or major event in our lives. Surround yourself with Godly counsel.

Be prepared

Preparation for nearly every possible scenario is the sign of a good leader and well prepared person. While you're praying, ask God for the detailed steps in what you need to do. That's a part of preparation.

When the enemy of your soul comes to try and knock you off track, remember to stick to your guns by following these steps.

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